January 15 to January 22 Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp is anything but dull. They may be flamboyant and exciting. Even those born in this sign that seem quiet and unassuming have a vivid dream and fantasy life… they just prefer their excitement in private. They may be prone to unusual experiences. They are usually very visual. They may experience vivid dreams that make their waking life dull in comparison. This dream world may become their inspiration for creativity in writing, art or other endeavors. Capricorn-Aquarius needs to find an outlet for their creativity. They have a deep need to communicate what they experience. They need to learn how to let go of negative criticism and lack of understanding by others. When they find someone who understands their creativity, they will be most happy. Capricorn-Aquarius are responsible and may be reserved in manner. They can be critical or bossy, but they want to keep everything to high standards and succeed. They may have talents that ar...
Zooey Deschanel Zooey Deschanel | Robert Erdmann Robert Erdmann www.roberterdmann.com749 × 1000Search by image TV ACTRESS BIRTHDAY January 17, 1980 BIRTHPLACE California BIRTH SIGN Capricorn / Aquarius Cusp
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